Are you ready to take on the Stoptober challenge?
Stoptober is a 28-day no-smoking health campaign that runs throughout the month of October – and if you can quit smoking for 28 days it means you are five times more likely to stop for good!
You wont be alone – join in the campaign via Facebook or Twitter and you will be supported by thousands of people going through the same thing. As soon as you join, you will receive as much (or as little) support as you want to keep you on track.
All Stoptober support is FREE and can be ordered online.
Support includes:
- Stoptober stop smoking pack which includes:
- a 28 day calendar to track your Stoptober journey
- a health and wealth wheel to see the difference quitting will make
- a scratchable intro card to keep you motivated
- A smartphone app – with 28 daily updates and quitting advice
- Text and email support services for motivational pick-me-ups
- Tips, humorous content as well as the encouragement and support of thousands of people going through the same thing via Social Media (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube)
Take the Stoptober Challenge and make the month of October your change for life – enjoy better health and a much healthier bank balance…